NoGoZone software is a tool that provides assistance to air traffic controllers (ATCos) to enable the resolution of conflict between aircraft trajectories and avoid collision. The controller examines the air situation using the Route window, the Altitude window or the Speed window. For a particular trajectory, the NoGoZone software displays zones that should be avoided. When the ATCo changes a trajectory, the NoGoZone software calculates new no-go zones. If the new trajectory appears to be safe, the controller can confirm this new trajectory.
The NoGoZone software was developed in the nineties at EUROCONTROL Bretigny (FRANCE). At that time, it was called HIPS for Highly Interactive Problem Solver. The project leader of HIPS was Colin MECKIFF. Since this acronym was too generic, the name NoGoZone has been coined for the open source version. It's a small program: the source code of the version v0 contains 40 files and about 15000 lines of C++ code (the number of lines is given by the command wc -l). The executable code is easy to install on a basic laptop computer.
HIPS was implemented under HP-UX, but NoGoZone runs under LINUX. Jean-Dominique Frayssinoux made the necessary adaptation and test for the following platforms: RedHat, OpenSuse, Suse Entreprise, and Ubuntu. Hopefully, other developers will test it and adapt it for other distributions of LINUX or for a BSD platform.
NoGoZone can be used offline as a stand alone tool, using a file for input data. It could also be connected to a live radar or ADS data source after adapting the interface to get such a data feed.
NoGoZone is a EUROCONTROL project ( It was launched in June 2007 at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC, Jan Van Doorn), as part of the OSIFE project (Open Source Implementation For EUROCONTROL, Jean-Luc Hardy) in the INS (Innovaties Studies, Marc Bourgois).
NoGoZone is considered as a case study for possible other Open Source initiatives in the fields of ATM. Jean-Dominique Frayssinoux is in charge of the software development and administration of NoGoZone under Open Source practices.
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