Here is information to become a NoGoZone developer. It is about how to modify the NoGoZone software.
The following sections describe the tools and the procedures to modify the NoGoZone software
To become a NoGoZone developer, please follow the following steps:
1- Register as a member of the NoGoZone community.
2- Register as a member of the SourceForge community.
3- Join the NoGoZone project on SourceForge.
See Sourceforge documentation for a full description
First of all, the developer registers as a Sourceforge member: provides CVS service to projects, allowing them to
centrally store the source code to the software they are developing. This central storage
allows easy access both for project developers and end-users.
Each project is provided their own CVS space, called a repository. Site users may retrieve the very latest (not necessarily ready
for release) source code from CVS. Project developers are able to post their changes back to the source
code stored in CVS. CVS helps to prevent developers from overwriting changes made by other
developers. CVS also keeps track of each change made to the source code, including who made the
change. Each change in the CVS repository may be used to generate a patch that could be applied
to another version of the software, or may be removed if need be.
Number of NoGoZone developers should not exceed 10 or 20 members. CVS repository access will be granted during a short time only
if a NoGoZone version is validated by NoGoZone administrator. By default, CVS access will not be free
and will be restricted by NoGoZone administrator. So, conflicts between 2 developers will be impossible.
In order to access a CVS repository, you will need a CVS client. If you are a project developer who will
be writing to the CVS repository, you will also need a SSH client.
Complete documentation of CVS is at the following web site address: : Open Source Development with CVS. 3rd edition.