A comprehensive background documentation (from the HIPS project) is available here.
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GPL: GNU General Public License (license)
IPR: Intellectual Property Rights (legal domain)
OSIFE: Open Source Implications For EUROCONTROL (project)
OSS: Open Source Software (category)
SSS: Secondary Software Sector (category)
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (community)
ACAS: Airborne Collision Avoidance System (tool)
ADS: Automatic Dependant Surveillance (tool)
ANSP: Air Navigation Service Provider (service)
ARTAS: ATC Radar Tracker And Server (tool)
ASM: Air Space Management (domain)
ASTERIX: EUROCONTROL format for radar data (standard)
ATC: Air Traffic Control (domain)
ATFM: Air Traffic Flow Management (domain)
ATM: Air Traffic Management (domain)
BADA: EUROCONTROL Base of Aircraft DAta (tool)
CTAS: Center TRACON Automation System (tool)
CFMU: EUROCONTROL Central Flow Management Unit (service)
CMB: Combined PSR + SSR radar (tool)
CRCO: EUROCONTROL Central Route Charges Office (service)
CHIPS: Commercial Highly Interactive problem Solver (tool)
CNS: Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (domain)
DA: CTAS Descent Advisor (tool)
D2: CTAS Direct To (tool)
DFS: ANSP in Germany (company)
EEC: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (company)
EURET: CTAS Conflict detection tool (tool)
ESCAPE: ATC simulator developed by EUROCONTROL-EEC (tool)
GPS: Global Positioning System (tool)
FAST: CTAS Final Approach Spacing Tool (tool)
FAA: USA Federal Aviation Authority (organization)
FDPS: Flight Data Processing System (tool)
ILS: Instrument Landing System (tool)
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization (organization)
No Go Zone: Area with high probability of conflict (tool)
Mode-S: Radar protocol for interrogation of a specific aircraft (standard)
NATS: ANSP in England (company)
PSR: Primary Surveillance Radar (tool)
RAMS: Fast-time simulator developed by EUROCONTROL-EEC (tool)
RTCA: Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (organization)
RVSM: Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (project)
SSR: Secondary Surveillance Radar (tool)
TCAS: Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (tool)
TP: aircraft Trajectory Prediction (tool)