The history of the updates can be traced through the option "Browse CVS repository"
Go to the following web site:
Click on the push button "Browse CVS repository"
Click on "NoGoZone" directory
Browse the other directories
Select a file. For example: README.
Click on the push button Revision 1.2 (view): Sourceforge displays the file version 1.2
Click on the push button Diff to previous 1.1: Sourceforge displays differences between version 1.2 and version 1.1
Click on the push button Revision 1.2 (download): Sourceforge downloads the file in the web page.
Click on the push button Revision 1.2 (annotate): Sourceforge indicates modifications of the current version and the previous versions.
Another possibility to trace the history of the updates is the command: diff
The push button "Browse CVS repository" provides the same functionality but has an HMI.
The command diff is manual without HMI.
Suppose two developers D1 and D2 who are updating the same file hello.c 1.2.
D1 produced a revision 1.3 and D2 produced a revision 1.4 for hello.c.
While browsing the logs, D1 can read that D2 made the most recent change to the original file hello.c.
D1 is wondering what D2 has changed to the original hello.c 1.2 ?
In other words, D1 is asking is, "What's the difference between my revision 1.3 of hello.c, and D2's revision right after it (1.4)?"
The way to find out is with the diff command,
by comparing two past revisions using -r command option to specify both of them:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername diff -c -r 1.3 -r 1.4 hello.c
z3 is an option to compress and de-compress data during the transfer.
d is an option to specify the root directory pathname of the master source repository.
developername specifies sourceforge identification of the developer.